Burden of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) and impact of prevention strategies: comprehensive evidence to drive the RHD EndgameJonathan Judy Rosemary Carapetis AM Katzenellenbogen Wyber AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS BSc (Occ Ther) BSc Hons (Epidemiol) MSc PhD MBChB MPH
Controlled Human Infection for Penicillin Against Streptococcus pyogenes – a double blinded randomised trail (The CHIPS trial)Jonathan Carapetis AM AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS Executive Director; Co-Head, Strep A Translation; Co-Founder of REACH 08 6319 1000 contact@
Improved diagnosis, treatment and prevention of recurrent tonsillitisAnthony Janessa Ruth Tim Kicic Pickering Thornton Barnett BSc (Hons) PhD BSc PhD PhD PhD Rothwell Family Fellow; Head, Airway Epithelial Research
Reach: to stop rheumatic heart diseaseRosemary Sophie Jonathan Wyber La Vincente Carapetis AM MBChB MPH FRACGP PhD BPsych (Hons) MAppEpi PhD AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS Senior Research
The END RHD CRE: Developing an end game for rheumatic heart disease in AustraliaJonathan Glenn Katharine Rosemary Tom Carapetis AM Pearson Noonan Wyber Snelling AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS BA (Education) PhD Candidate MBBS (
A diagnostic test for acute rheumatic fever (pilot study)Jonathan Tim Carapetis AM Barnett AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS PhD Executive Director; Co-Head, Strep A Translation; Co-Founder of REACH Head,
Perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisation in Western Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal childrenWe have quantified the relative influence of perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisations in WA children
Investigation of group A Streptococcus immune responses in an endemic setting, with a particular focus on J8We analysed the stimulation of J8 antibodies in response to infection, and the role of existing J8 antibodies in protection against subsequent infection
A 15-Year Old Burmese Girl With Hemoptysis: A Case ReportA 15 year old girl, born in Hakha, Myanmar, presented with 2 months of intermittent hemoptysis 3 years after immigrating to Australia, via Malaysia.
Immuno-nephelometric determination of group streptococcal anti-streptolysin O titres (ASOT) from dried blood spots: Method for validating a new assayThis study was designed to determine the sensitivity and reproducibility of recovering anti-streptolysin O titres (ASOT) from dried blood spot (DBS) samples