Real time monitoring of respiratory viral infections in cohort studies using a smartphone appCohort studies investigating respiratory disease pathogenesis aim to pair mechanistic investigations with longitudinal virus detection but are limited by the burden of methods tracking illness over time. In this study, we explored the utility of a purpose-built AERIAL TempTracker smartphone app to assess real-time data collection and adherence monitoring and overall burden to participants, while identifying symptomatic respiratory illnesses in two birth cohort studies.
Thoracic electrical impedance tomography identifies heterogeneity in lungs associated with respiratory disease in cattle. A pilot studyRespiratory disease in cattle is a significant global concern, yet current diagnostic methods are limited, and there is a lack of crush-side tests for detecting active disease. To address this gap, we propose utilizing electrical impedance tomography (EIT), a non-invasive imaging technique that provides real-time visualization of lung ventilation dynamics.
Gut Microbiome and Associated Metabolites Following Bariatric Surgery and Comparison to Healthy ControlsThe gut microbiome plays a significant role in regulating the host’s ability to store fat, which impacts the development of obesity. This observational cohort study recruited obese adult men and women scheduled to undergo sleeve gastrectomy and followed up with them 6 months post-surgery to analyse their microbial taxonomic profiles and associated metabolites in comparison to a healthy control group.
Lower infant mortality, higher household size, and more access to contraception reduce fertility in low- and middle-income nationsAlthough average contraceptive use has increased globally in recent decades, an estimated 222 million (26%) of women of child-bearing age worldwide face an unmet need for family planning-defined as a discrepancy between fertility preferences and contraception practice, or failing to translate desires to avoid pregnancy into preventative behaviours and practices.
Assessment of early bronchiectasis in young children with cystic fibrosis is dependent on lung volumeThe aim of this study was to determine whether assessment of early CT scan-detected bronchiectasis in young children with cystic fibrosis (CF) depends on...
Novel end points for clinical trials in young children with cystic fibrosisCystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease commences early in the disease progression and is the most common cause of mortality.
Determinants of culture success in an airway epithelium sampling program of young children with cystic fibrosisDeterminants of culture success through retrospective analysis of a program of routinely brushing children with Cystic Fibrosis airway disease
Bronchial brushings for investigating airway inflammation and remodellingAsthma is the commonest medical cause for hospital admission for children in Australia, affects more than 300 million people worldwide, and is incurable...

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Directing immune development to curb sky-rocketing diseaseOnce upon a time it was infectious diseases like polio, measles or tuberculosis that most worried parents. With these threats now largely under control, parents face a new challenge – sky-rocketing rates of non-infectious diseases such as asthma, allergies and autism.
Cystic Fibrosis Early Surveillance ProgramResearchers are able to track the progress of lung disease through a comprehensive longitudinal set of biological samples, images and data archives.