Development of a universal aftercare model for people who have presented to the emergency department for a suicidal crisis in WAThe Mental Health Commission (MHC) of Western Australia has provided funding to The Kids Research Institute Australia to undertake exploratory research to inform a WA approach to aftercare.
The Facilitation of Acceptance in Trans and Gender Diverse Young PeopleHelen Yael Morgan Perry BA (Hons), Doctor of Psychology BPsych (Hons) MPsych (Clin) PhD Senior Project Coordinator Program Head, Mental Health &
The role of coping in the association between subclinical psychotic experiences and functioning: A within study replication in two independent adolescent samplesThe within study replication consistently found that coping style mediates subclinical psychotic experiences and psychosocial functioning
Bullying and mental health amongst Australian children and young people with cystic fibrosisThis study describes the peer bullying experiences of young people with CF, and examines associations between school bullying and the psychological well-being of these young people
Response to Comment on Lin et al. Risk Factors for Decline in IQ in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Over the 12 Years From Diagnosis/Illness OnsetThis editorial response addresses each of the concerns raised by Lin et al. RE: Risk Factors for Decline in IQ in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Over the 12...
Psychotic experiences and their significanceClinical perspective from the ultra high risk (UHR) paradigm, that aims to identify people at high risk of psychotic disorder
The Ultra-High-Risk for psychosis groups: Evidence to maintain the status quoOur findings demonstrate that Ultra-High-Risk groups evidence a similar clinical risk profile when we expand this beyond transition to psychosis
Autism and psychosis: Clinical implications for depression and suicideThis study examines the association of autism spectrum traits, depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviour in individuals with psychotic experiences
A systematic review: Identifying the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder in Australia's Indigenous populationsA systematic review: Identifying the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder in Australia's Indigenous populations.
Web-Based Self-Compassion Training to Improve the Well-Being of Youth With Chronic Medical Conditions: Randomized Controlled TrialUp to one-third of young people live with chronic physical conditions (eg, diabetes, asthma, and autoimmune disease) that frequently involve recurrent pain, fatigue, activity limitations, stigma, and isolation.