Interorganelle phospholipid communication, a house not so dividedThe presence of membrane-bound organelles with specific functions is one of the main hallmarks of eukaryotic cells. Organelle membranes are composed of specific lipids that govern their function and interorganelle communication. Discoveries in cell biology using imaging and omic technologies have revealed the mechanisms that drive membrane remodeling, organelle contact sites, and metabolite exchange.
Gene editing and cardiac disease modelling for the interpretation of genetic variants of uncertain significance in congenital heart diseaseGenomic sequencing in congenital heart disease (CHD) patients often discovers novel genetic variants, which are classified as variants of uncertain significance (VUS). Functional analysis of each VUS is required in specialised laboratories, to determine whether the VUS is disease causative or not, leading to lengthy diagnostic delays.
Digital RNase Footprinting of RNA-Protein Complexes and Ribosomes in MitochondriaRNA-binding proteins and mitochondrial ribosomes have been found to be linchpins of mitochondrial gene expression in health and disease. The expanding repertoire of proteins that bind and regulate the mitochondrial transcriptome has necessitated the development of new tools and methods to examine their molecular functions.

News & Events
Anaesthesia, suicide prevention and rare disease research supported by Telethon 2022The generous support of West Australians through Channel 7’s Telethon Trust will help support vital child health research at The Kids Research Institute Australia in 2023.
Copy number variation in tRNA isodecoder genes impairs mammalian development and balanced translationThe number of tRNA isodecoders has increased dramatically in mammals, but the specific molecular and physiological reasons for this expansion remain elusive. To address this fundamental question we used CRISPR editing to knockout the seven-membered phenylalanine tRNA gene family in mice, both individually and combinatorially.
Fidelity and coordination of mitochondrial protein synthesis in health and diseaseThe evolutionary acquisition of mitochondria has given rise to the diversity of eukaryotic life. Mitochondria have retained their ancestral α-proteobacterial traits through the maintenance of double membranes and their own circular genome. Their genome varies in size from very large in plants to the smallest in animals and their parasites. The mitochondrial genome encodes essential genes for protein synthesis and has to coordinate its expression with the nuclear genome from which it sources most of the proteins required for mitochondrial biogenesis and function.
Organization and expression of the mammalian mitochondrial genomeThe mitochondrial genome encodes core subunits of the respiratory chain that drives oxidative phosphorylation and is, therefore, essential for energy conversion. Advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies and cryoelectron microscopy have shed light on the structure and organization of the mitochondrial genome and revealed unique mechanisms of mitochondrial gene regulation.
Mitochondrial damage in muscle specific PolG mutant mice activates the integrated stress response and disrupts the mitochondrial folate cycleDuring mitochondrial damage, information is relayed between the mitochondria and nucleus to coordinate precise responses to preserve cellular health. One such pathway is the mitochondrial integrated stress response (mtISR), which is known to be activated by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage. However, the causal molecular signals responsible for activation of the mtISR remain mostly unknown.
Developing new models of mitochondrial diseases using CRISPR/Cas technologiesAleksandra Filipovska BSc PhD Louis Landau Chair in Child Health Research; NHMRC Leadership Fellow; Deputy Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for

Mitochondrial diseases are devastating disorders for which there are no cures or effective treatments. Our project will focus on the prevention of mitochondrial diseases and discovery of effective cures.