
News & Events
Less ‘fast food’ outlets near schools could help reduce obesityTeaching a class of year eleven students about nutrition ten years ago is what gave Dr Gina Trapp the idea for her research.
Built Environments And Child Health in WalEs and AuStralia (BEACHES): a study protocolChildhood obesity and physical inactivity are two of the most significant modifiable risk factors for the prevention of non-communicable diseases. Yet, a third of children in Wales and Australia are overweight or obese, and only 20% of UK and Australian children are sufficiently active.
Gender-Neutral Toilets: A Qualitative Exploration of Inclusive School Environments for Sexuality and Gender Diverse Youth in Western AustraliaSchool toilets have been identified by sexuality and gender diverse (SGD) students as the least safe spaces in educational institutions. They are sites of verbal, physical and sexual victimisation.
Supporting the Social-Emotional Well-Being of Elementary School Students Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing: A Pilot StudyChildren who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, their parents, Teachers of the Deaf, and other community stakeholders were involved in co-designing a web-based resource to support students' social-emotional well-being.
An exploratory study on the role of criminogenic risk factors and informant-rated everyday executive functioning in predicting the age of offending onset in young people with FASDFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is characterised by a range of neurodevelopmental deficits that may increase risks of justice system involvement. Improving our understanding of criminogenic risk factors and particularly the role of informant-rated executive functioning (EF) in predicting the age of offending onset in this clinical population may reduce recidivism and help inform targeted interventions.
Variation in the prevalence of different forms of bullying victimisation among adolescents and their associations with family, peer and school connectedness: a population-based study in 40 lower and middle income to high-income countries (LMIC-HICs)This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of different forms of bullying victimization experiences and their association with family functioning, peer relationships and school connectedness among adolescents across 40 lower and middle income to high-income countries (LMIC-HICs).
What Works for Whom in School-Based Anti-bullying Interventions? An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysisThe prevalence of bullying worldwide is high (UNESCO, 2018). Over the past decades, many anti-bullying interventions have been developed to remediate this problem. However, we lack insight into for whom these interventions work and what individual intervention components drive the total intervention effects.

News & Events
Bold bid to end rheumatic heart diseaseSome of the nation’s leading medical researchers will converge on Darwin this week to step out a plan to wipe out rheumatic heart disease.

The The Kids Research Institute Australia team have an important role in the new Life Course Centre developing solutions for vulnerable children and their families to ensure their journey across the life course is the best it can be.