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The association between Staphylococcus aureus and subsequent bronchiectasis in children with cystic fibrosis

De novo S. aureus acquisition at age 3 is associated with later bronchiectasis and FEF25-75 in children with CF


Hesitant compliers': Qualitative analysis of concerned fully-vaccinating parents

Parents interpreted pivotal vaccine-related events in the community as requiring them to take personal responsibility for vaccine decisions


Global supermarkets' corporate social responsibility commitments to public health: A content analysis

Investigate the world's largest and most powerful supermarkets' publically available CSR commitments to determine their potential impact on public health


Using acute tryptophan depletion to investigate predictors of treatment response in adolescents with major depressive disorder

The major hypothesis of this study is that acute tryptophan depletion will be negatively associated with mood and cognitive functioning


Delay in commencement of palliative care service episodes provided to Indigenous and non-Indigenous patients

Although the timeliness benchmark is being met for Indigenous Australians in palliative care, they may experience delayed initiation of care episodes


A CHAF1B-Dependent Molecular Switch in Hematopoiesis and Leukemia Pathogenesis

Here we report that CHAF1B is required for normal hematopoiesis while its overexpression promotes leukemia


WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature: Providing a common language

Aim was to standardize the names given to the antigens (allergens) that caused IgE-mediated allergies in humans


Age invariance in rapid facial affective reactions to emotionally valenced stimuli

Rapid facial reactions to emotional stimuli are intact in late adulthood, even in response to stimuli that activate more automatic and implicit forms of emotion processing


The impact of racial discrimination on the health of Australian Indigenous children aged 5–10 years: analysis of national longitudinal data

Direct and persistent vicarious racial discrimination are detrimental to the physical and mental health of Indigenous children in Australia