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Program Manager – The ORIGINS PROJECT

The Program Manager will supervise the activity of the management staff and the ORIGINS Working Group

News & Events

The Kids cancer researcher named a Superstar of STEM

The Kids Research Institute Australia brain cancer researcher, Dr Jessica Buck will today join the ranks of a select group of brilliant female scientists.

News & Events

How to win friends and influence people: Cancer researchers talk the talk for big results

In the field of cancer research, lobbying efforts by the The Kids Cancer Centre have contributed to major initiatives including Australia’s first personalised medicine program for children with high-risk cancer, and a mission to boost survival rates in brain cancer patients.

News & Events

Three-continent clinical trial aims to improve survival for aggressive kids’ brain cancer

The Kids Research Institute Australia and Perth Children’s Hospital will lead an international clinical trial of a novel drug combination they hope will increase cure rates for one of the most aggressive forms of childhood brain cancer.

News & Events

Raine Foundation grants to support key child health research

Three outstanding young researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia have been named Raine Fellows and received valuable Raine Priming Grants to support their child health research.

News & Events

Community collaboration ensures ending RHD is everybody’s business

Collaboration is the driving force behind ‘END RHD Demonstration Communities’ – a new community-driven, research-backed approach to tackling rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in remote Australia.

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New coalition to end rheumatic heart disease once and for all

Six leading health organisations have joined a new coalition to end rheumatic heart disease in Australia, disproportionately affecting Indigenous Australians.

News & Events

$2 million grant to develop diagnostic tool for rheumatic fever

The Kids Research Institute Australia & Menzies School of Health Research will lead an international project to develop a diagnostic tool for acute rheumatic fever.


Identifying factors contributing to shifts in children’s development on school entry in NSW over the past decade

The aim of this project was to conduct a critical analysis of the AEDC data for NSW children to understand the factors contributing to the changes in child development outcomes over time.

News & Events

WA Health funding supports development of new mental health digital tool for autism families

A co-designed digital tool to address anxiety concerns for children on the autism spectrum is set to be developed and trialled in Western Australia.