
Thanks to 30 years of support from the WA community, The Kids Research Institute Australia is home to some of the world’s best researchers.
It's normal for children and teenagers to experience a range of emotions, including sadness, however childhood depression is more than just feeling sad.

Research save lives and contains the spread of COVID-19.
MelanomaMelanoma, also known as malignant melanoma, occurs when abnormal skin cells multiply rapidly in an uncontrolled way.
Brain TumourBrain tumours are the second most common cancer in children (after leukaemia).
Parents’ Disclosure of Their Child’s Health and Neurodevelopmental Conditions: A Systematic Review and Qualitative MetasynthesisParents of children with physical/mental health and/or neurodevelopmental conditions often need to make disclosure decisions for their child. Disclosure can bring benefits (e.g., support) but can also risk harm (e.g., stigma). This systematic review aimed to consolidate research regarding parents' disclosure experiences to better understand how to support parents during this process.
Suppressing recurrence in Sonic Hedgehog subgroup medulloblastoma using the OLIG2 inhibitor CT-179OLIG2-expressing tumor stem cells have been shown to drive recurrence in Sonic Hedgehog (SHH)-subgroup medulloblastoma (MB) and patients urgently need specific therapies to target this tumor cell population.
From Local to Systemic: The Journey of Tick Bite Biomarkers in Australian PatientsTick bites and tick-related diseases are on the rise. Diagnostic tests that identify well-characterised tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) possess limited capacity to address the causation of symptoms associated with poorly characterised tick-related illnesses, such as debilitating symptom complexes attributed to ticks (DSCATT) in Australia. Identification of local signals in tick-bitten skin that can be detected systemically in blood would have both clinical (diagnostic or prognostic) and research (mechanistic insight) utility, as a blood sample is more readily obtainable than tissue biopsies.
Glycemic and Psychosocial Outcomes of Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop Therapy in Youth With High HbA1c: A Randomized Clinical TrialTo determine the efficacy of advanced hybrid closed-loop therapy in a high-risk cohort of youth on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion with or without continuous glucose monitoring with suboptimal glycemia.

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