
News & Events
Top tips for travelling with an ear infectionCheck out our top tips for travelling with an ear infection so that the kids can fly safely and hit the pool in no time.

News & Events
Round one done, eight to go for the SToP TrialSix weeks, nine community visits and 380 kids – it’s a wrap for round one of the StoP Trial!

News & Events
Flu study gives vital early protection to bubs this winterThe FluBub Study will investigate whether giving the flu vaccine much earlier than the six months currently recommended by the National Immunisation Program will protect babies at the greatest risk of a severe influenza infection when they are most vulnerable.

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Perron grants help give researchers wingsValuable support from the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation will enable The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers to commence projects on topics ranging from disability, mental health and lung disease to diabetes, Aboriginal leadership, and the development of child-focused pandemic policies.
The Kids Research Institute Australia's annual report highlights the accomplishments of our researchers, furthering our mission to secure a happier, healthier future for kids everywhere.

News & Events
Worried about your child getting coronavirus? Here’s what you need to knowComparatively few children have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). Here’s what we know so far about how children are affected.
PATRIC: Pragmatic Adaptive Trial for Respiratory Infections in ChildrenChristopher Peter Tom Blyth Richmond Snelling MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP BMBS DTMH GDipClinEpid PhD FRACP Centre Head,

News & Events
Vaccination seminar presentationsOn Monday May 30, The Kids Research Institute Australia held a free public seminar on vaccination, hearing from paediatricians and infectious disease researchers.
Estimating the Impact And Costs of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) at Perth Children’s HospitalAMR is a rapidly growing challenge and has been identified as one of the World Health Organizations top 10 global health threats, with the potential to undo many of the health gains observed over the last century.

News & Events
The Kids Research Institute Australia launches Covid-19 booster research to inform Australia’s vaccine policyOptimising our national Covid-19 vaccine program could be one step closer thanks to new research now underway at The Kids Research Institute Australia investigating the most effective, long-term strategies for booster vaccinations.