
We encourage students to apply for scholarships to support their studies. Applications for non-university scholarships can be made through the Institute.

News & Events
Nutrition and COVID-19Nutrition is important during the COVID-19 pandemic because it can provide both physical and mental health benefits.

News & Events
News you can use – How you can support your child while you wait for a diagnosisThe Kids Research Institute Australia's Professor Andrew Whitehouse and Sarah Pillar share four things families can do to support their child while waiting to receive an ADHD or autism diagnostic assessment.

News & Events
Maggie Dent visits The Kids Research Institute Australia as part of research for new bookWe were delighted to have Australia’s best-known parenting author, Maggie Dent, back at The Kids Research Institute Australia this week, to talk about the mental health of our teenagers.
Co-designing a trauma-informed program for parents whose infant has had a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admissionHaving a newborn child admitted into a NICU can be highly traumatic for parents. The compounding effects of the NICU clinical environment, having a seriously ill child, in addition to the inability to care or adequately bond with your child can be extremely distressing.

Be involved in the Sibling Snapshot Project! Researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia are conducting research which explores the unique

Join a Focus Group for the Sibling Support Study! Researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia are conducting research which explores the