
Find all SEW-Arts website references and links for further information to support your SEW-Arts journey
Skin Health Situational Analysis to inform skin disease control programs for the Kimberley - outcomesThe Skin Health Situational Analysis was conducted in 2017 with and for stakeholders in the Kimberley region as a precursor to the SToP Trial to highlight all that was already known prior to commencement in 2018. It was completed to be a resource for communities in the Kimberley who would like to de
Spatiotemporal patterns of drug susceptible and drug resistant tuberculosis in Hunan Province, ChinaInvestigators: Kefyalew Alene, Archie Clements External collaborators: Kerri Viney, Dr Darren J Gray (Australian National University) Zuhui Xu (
Stopping Acute Rheumatic Fever Infections to Strengthen Health
SunSmart messaging for WA young peopleEngaging young people in sun safety messaging is important because they are vulnerable to the harmful long-term effects of too much sun exposure.
Time investment and child developmentThis project aims to explore how Australian children spend their time over an extended and important period of their lives (from birth to 16/17 years old) and how such time allocation contributes to their development outcomes.
The epigenetic origin of alcohol-induced disorders: a cross-species studyAlexander David Martyn Larcombe Martino Symons BScEnv (Hons) PhD BSc PhD B.A. (Hons) PhD. Honorary Research Fellow Head, Clinical Epigenetics
The health effects of electronic cigarettesAlexander Larcombe BScEnv (Hons) PhD Honorary Research Fellow Honorary Research Fellow Associate Professor Alexander Larcombe began work at The Kids
The Perspectives and Experiences of Trauma-Informed Practice Education and Training: From Early Career TeachersThis study aims to investigate early career teachers’ education, knowledge, perceptions and experiences of trauma-informed practice in Western Australia.

The PROTECT TrialTobias Jenny Strunk Mountain Other Investigators MD, PhD, FRACP MBA MClinEpi Head, Neonatal Health Program Manager, Neonatal Health / Protect Trial