The role of virus defence in childhood asthmaThe overarching aim of this project is to understand how plasmacytoid dendritic cells function in children with asthma and how genes and environmental stimuli influence these cells.
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Eight-year-old Emily has type 1 diabetes, a lifelong chronic disease that requires constant management and vigilance to keep blood glucose levels on target. It is a relentless disease, not just on individuals but also on families.
Early MovesThe Early Moves study is investigating whether a baby’s early movements can predict difficulties with learning (known as cognitive impairment) later in childhood.
“Beacon” Cyber App Project with BankwestThe Kids Research Institute Australia and Bankwest partnered together from 2019-2022 to develop a cyber safety app that provides parents and carers with the knowledge and skills to help their children thrive in a digital world.
Playful BytesNurturing children's health together: A collaboration between early childhood education and care (ECEC) educators and parents on active play and eating well
Impact for DCDMelissa Gail Matt Jenny Andrew Videos Licari Alvares Cooper Downs Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew PhD PhD BCA Marketing, BSc Statistics and

The Early Neurodevelopment and Mental Health team is focused on preventing childhood mental illness and optimising children’s development and wellbeing in the first years of their life. We are interested in understanding and identifying the factors that contribute to difficulties in mental health and development, as well as developing cost-effective prevention and early intervention approaches for addressing developmental needs and promoting resilience.
Child development at school entry and student wellbeing six years laterIt has been well established that children's development at school entry is associated with their later academic achievement, but less is known about whether there is also an association with other measures of school success, such as students' social and emotional wellbeing.

Gender dysphoria is experienced differently by everyone. Here are some ideas that could help trans and gender diverse young people cope with dysphoria.