
Children in the tiny Pacific nation of Tuvalu face a unique threat that should be a wake-up call to other countries across the world.

In 2020, the National Closing the Gap partnership made improving early development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children one of its top priorities. Australia will measure progress in this area using the AEDC.

Professor Jonathan Carapetis has made eliminating rheumatic heart disease his life’s work.
On this Research Impact page, we list stories helping demonstrate how we collaborate with other leaders, innovators, communities, and international stakeholders to ensure excellent research results. The better our results, the better the chances of research making a real difference.
On this Research Impact page, we showcase real game-changers - research that changes the very way other scientists around the world think and approach challenges. The far-reaching impact on children and families for all the stories shown on these pages is both exciting and significant.
LeukaemiaLeukaemia, also spelled leukemia, is a cancer that develops in the bone marrow and results in abnormal white blood cells. It is the most common cancer in children, accounting for almost a third of all childhood & teen cancers.
Gender DiversityNot all children or teenagers identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. As a result, some may choose to change their name, their clothes or their body. With considerably higher rates of depression, anxiety, self-harm and attempted suicide, the need for specialist mental health services has been recognised.
ImmunisationImmunisation is the most effective way of protecting your child against a range of serious illnesses, including measles, hepatitis B and whooping cough. All vaccines used in Australia undergo stringent testing and ongoing monitoring.
Intellectual DisabilityAbout 2 per cent of children are estimated to have an intellectual disability. The cause of the condition is unknown in at least 50 per cent of cases.
NutritionThe science that interprets the way nutrients and other substances in food affect maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease.