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Intrauterine growth restriction affects diaphragm function in adult female and male mice

Sex and intrauterine growth restriction independently affect diaphragm contraction in adult mice without changes in structure


Impact of the “balatrine” intervention on soil-transmitted helminth infections in central Java, Indonesia: A pilot study

The integrated BALatrine intervention was associated with a reduced incidence of soil-transmitted helminth infection


RE-AIM evaluation of a teacher-delivered programme to improve the self-regulation of children attending Australian Aboriginal community primary schools

Benefits in teaching the Alert Program® to students in a region with high reported rates of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and self-regulation impairment


Bilateral murine tumor models for characterizing the response to immune checkpoint blockade

This protocol describes bilateral murine tumor models that display a symmetrical yet dichotomous response to immune checkpoint blockade


Exploring stakeholders' perceptions of the acceptability, usability, and dissemination of the australian 24-hour movement guidelines for the early years

This study examined stakeholders' perceptions regarding the acceptability, usability, and dissemination of the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines


How many words are Australian children hearing in the first year of life?

These results show that a word gap related to maternal education is not apparent up to twelve months of age


Systems biology and big data in asthma and allergy: recent discoveries and emerging challenges

We describe recent "omic"-level findings, and examine how these findings have been systematically integrated to generate further insight


Effects of UVR exposure on the gut microbiota of mice and humans

Both human and murine studies report that multiple exposures to sub-erythemal UV radiation can increase the diversity of the gut microbiome


Voices behind the statistics: A systematic literature review of the lived experience of rheumatic heart disease

This systematic review presents a critical, interpretive analysis of publications that include lived experiences of rheumatic heart disease


The relationship between abdominal pain and emotional wellbeing in children and adolescents in the Raine Study

Abdominal pain in children and adolescents associates with depression, anxiety, being bullied, unhappiness and reduced overall health-rating during adolescence