Parents’ attitudes towards the No Jab No Play legislation in Western Australia: a mixed methods studyMandates provide a relatively cost-effective strategy to increase vaccinate rates. Since 2014, five Australian states have implemented No Jab No Play (NJPlay) policies that require children to be fully immunised to attend early childhood education and childcare services. In Western Australia, where this study was conducted, NJNPlay legislation was enacted in 2019.
Filling Gaps in Adolescent Health Measurement: Taking Stock of Progress and Priorities AheadCitation: Keogh SC, Guthold R, Newby H, …….. Azzopardi P, Fagan L, et al. Filling Gaps in Adolescent Health Measurement: Taking Stock of Progress and
National pharmacovigilance of seasonal influenza vaccines in AustraliaCitation: O'Moore M, Jones B, Hickie M, …….. Marsh JA, Wood N. National pharmacovigilance of seasonal influenza vaccines in Australia. Med J Aust.
Perspectives on the essential skills of healthcare decision making in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilityInvolvement in healthcare decisions is associated with better health outcomes for patients. For children and adolescents with intellectual disability, parents and healthcare professionals need to balance listening to a child's wishes with the responsibility of keeping them safe.
Understanding and optimising gratitude interventions: the right methods for the right people at the right timeGratitude has consistently been associated with various beneficial health-related outcomes, including subjective wellbeing, positive mental health, and positive physical health. In light of such effects, positive psychology researchers and practitioners have often implemented gratitude interventions in an attempt to build individuals' orientations toward appreciation and thankfulness. Recent meta-analyses and reviews have revealed, however, that these interventions often have mixed effects on gratitude or other health outcomes.
Parental Experiences of Supporting the Mental Health of Their LGBTQA+ ChildYoung people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or questioning, asexual and other diverse genders and sexualities (LGBTQA+) are at greater risk of adverse mental health outcomes and suicide, with additional barriers to accessing safe and affirming physical and mental health services in comparison to the general population.
Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination to prevent febrile and respiratory illness in adults (BRACE): secondary outcomes of a randomised controlled phase 3 trialBacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination has off-target (non-specific) effects that are associated with protection against unrelated infections and decreased all-cause mortality in infants. We aimed to determine whether BCG vaccination prevents febrile and respiratory infections in adults.
Modelling respiratory syncytial virus age-specific risk of hospitalisation in term and preterm infantsRespiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of acute lower respiratory infections in children worldwide. The highest incidence of severe disease is in the first 6 months of life, with infants born preterm at greatest risk for severe RSV infections.
The MexTAg collaborative cross: host genetics affects asbestos related disease latency, but has little influence once tumours developThis study combines two innovative mouse models in a major gene discovery project to assess the influence of host genetics on asbestos related disease (ARD). Conventional genetics studies provided evidence that some susceptibility to mesothelioma is genetic. However, the identification of host modifier genes, the roles they may play, and whether they contribute to disease susceptibility remain unknown.
Stiffness Mediated-Mechanosensation of Airway Smooth Muscle Cells on Linear Stiffness Gradient HydrogelsIn obstructive airway diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein amount and composition of the airway smooth muscle (ASM) is often remodelled, likely altering tissue stiffness. The underlying mechanism of how human ASM cell (hASMC) mechanosenses the aberrant microenvironment is not well understood.