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Pediatric meningioma: Current approaches and future direction

With improvement in leukemia therapy, central nervous system (CNS) tumors are the leading cause of cancer mortality in children and the most expensive...


Dissection of the genetics of Parkinson's disease identifies an additional association 5' of SNCA and multiple

Dissection of the genetics of Parkinson's disease identifies an additional association 5' of SNCA and multiple associated haplotypes at 17q21We performed...


Prenatal maternal stress associated with ADHD and autistic traits in early childhood

Research suggests that offspring of mothers who experience high levels of stress during pregnancy are more likely to have problems in neurobehavioral...


Asbestos-related disease

Inhalation of airborne asbestos fibres causes several diseases. These include asbestosis, lung cancer, malignant mesothelioma as well as pleural effusion...


Mental health problems among young people on remand: has anything changed since 1989?

To determine whether the prevalence of mental health problems among adolescents on court ordered remand in South Australia has changed since 1989


Preschool psychopathology reported by parents in 23 societies: testing the seven-syndrome model of the child behavior checklist for ages 1.5-5.

To test the fit of a seven-syndrome model to ratings of preschoolers' problems by parents in very diverse societies.


A new method of prenatal alcohol classification accounting for dose, pattern and timing of exposure:

When examining the association between prenatal alcohol exposure and fetal effects, the timing and intensity of exposure have been ignored in epidemiological st


Exposure to diagnostic radiological procedures and the risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Diagnostic irradiation of the mother during pregnancy increases the risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia


Contribution of an intrinsic lag of continuous glucose monitoring systems

Current continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems measure glucose levels in the interstitial fluid to estimate blood glucose concentration.