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An in silico pipeline to filter the Toxoplasma gondii proteome for proteins that could traffic to the host cell nucleus and influence host cell epigenetic regulation

To identify genes with putative epigenetic functions, we developed an in silico pipeline to interrogate the T. gondii proteome of 8313 proteins


Humidified high-flow nasal cannula oxygen for bronchiolitis: Should we go with the flow?

Current NICE 2015 guidelines for bronchiolitis state that the use of HFNC is becoming widespread without demonstration of additional efficacy.


Longitudinal study of language and speech of twins at 4 and 6 years: Twinning effects decrease, zygosity effects disappear, and heritability increases

This study investigates the heritability of language, speech, and nonverbal cognitive development of twins at 4 and 6 years of age.


Pre-onset risk characteristics for mania among young people at clinical high risk for psychosis

We aimed to identify the rate and predictors of transition to mania in a cohort of youth with clinical or familial risk for psychosis.


Initial acquisition and succession of the cystic fibrosis lung microbiome is associated with disease progression in infants and preschool children

We characterized the lower airways microbiome using BAL samples obtained from clinically stable CF young children who underwent bronchoscopy and chest CT.


The case for DNA methylation based molecular profiling to improve diagnostic accuracy for central nervous system embryonal tumors (not otherwise specified) in adults

We report the case of a 45-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a NOS based on immunohistochemical analysis of the patient's tumor at diagnosis.


Prominent IgE-binding and cytokine-inducing capacities of a newly cloned N-terminal region of Der f 14, an apolipophorin-like house dust mite allergen

The aims of this study were to clone the cDNA of Der f 14 corresponding to M-177 and to elucidate the allergenic capacities of the Der f 14-N.


The prevalence of mental health disorders and symptoms in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Mental health conditions and problems are often reported in children and adolescents with CP. A systematic review was undertaken to describe their prevalence.