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Intrauterine growth restriction affects diaphragm function in adult female and male mice

Sex and intrauterine growth restriction independently affect diaphragm contraction in adult mice without changes in structure


Impact of the “balatrine” intervention on soil-transmitted helminth infections in central Java, Indonesia: A pilot study

The integrated BALatrine intervention was associated with a reduced incidence of soil-transmitted helminth infection


Transcriptional blood signatures for active and amphotericin B treated visceral leishmaniasis in India

Amphotericin B provides improved therapy for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by Leishmania donovani


Identification of novel cerebellar developmental transcriptional regulators with motif activity analysis

The FANTOM5 cerebellum time series is a high-quality transcriptome database for functional investigation of gene regulatory networks in cerebellar development


Selection of appropriate spirometry reference values in Aboriginal Australians

The Global Lung Function ‘Caucasian’ and ‘Other’ spirometry equations do not match healthy Aboriginal FEV1 and FVC data


Could home-based FeNO measurements breathe new life into asthma management?

Developing a FeNO test that is affordable enough to allow daily measurements, patients will be able to access quantifiable data to assist them to monitor their asthma


Systematic Review of the Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Markers of Metabolic Dysfunction

Here we review the metabolic effects of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, focusing on the effects of phototherapies


Vitamin D metabolites are lower with active Crohn’s disease and spontaneously recover with development of remission

We aimed to characterise vitamin D metabolism in a cohort of patients with active and inactive Crohn’s disease


Challenges to curing primary brain tumours

The seven key challenges summarized in this Position Paper are intended to serve as foci for future research and investment in brain tumours


Role of HLA-DQ typing and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody titers in diagnosing celiac disease without duodenal biopsy in type 1 diabetes

HLA-DQ typing is not cost effective as a first-line screening test for CD in T1D patients because of over-representation of CD permissive HLA alleles in this group