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Examining the relationship between maternal mental health-related hospital admissions and childhood developmental vulnerability at school entry in Canada and Australia

It is well established that maternal mental illness is associated with an increased risk of poor development for children. However, inconsistencies in findings regarding the nature of the difficulties children experience may be explained by methodological or geographical differences.


Randomised clinical trial using Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring in Australian Women with Novel Cardiovascular Risk Factors (CAC-WOMEN Trial): Study protocol

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in women around the world. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women (Australian Indigenous women) have a high burden of CVD, occurring on average 10-20 years earlier than non-Indigenous women.


Safety and immunogenicity of a primary series and booster dose of the meningococcal serogroup B-factor H binding protein vaccine (MenB-FHbp) in healthy children aged 1–9 years: two phase 2 randomised, controlled, observer-blinded studies

The meningococcal serogroup B-factor H binding protein vaccine (MenB-FHbp) is licensed for use in children aged 10 years or older for protection against invasive serogroup B meningococcal disease. Because young children are at increased risk of invasive meningococcal disease, MenB-FHbp clinical data in this population are needed.


Questionnaires Measuring Physical Activity in Clinical Pediatric Populations: A Systematic Review

Regular physical activity (PA) is a cornerstone therapy for many childhood chronic health conditions, and questionnaires offer a simple method for monitoring PA and identifying children who do not meet clinical practice guidelines. The purpose of this systematic review is to determine which questionnaires are most efficacious for assessing PA in children with chronic health conditions.


Genes involved in platelet aggregation and activation are downregulated during acute anaphylaxis in humans

Mechanisms underlying the anaphylactic reaction in humans are not fully understood. Here, we aimed at improving our understanding of anaphylaxis by investigating gene expression changes.


Quantifying airway remodelling for research or clinical purposes: How should we normalize for airway size?

Citation: Donovan GM, Wang KCW, Elliot JG, James AL, Noble PB. Quantifying airway remodelling for research or clinical purposes: How should we


Early childhood educator outcomes from online professional development for physical literacy: A randomised controlled trial

Early childhood is recognised as a critical window of opportunity for physical literacy development, however early childhood educators typically lack the training required to effectively provide appropriate physical literacy opportunities for children.


Editorial: Bench to bedside: translating pre-clinical research into clinical trials for childhood brain tumors

Nick Raelene Gottardo Endersby MBChB FRACP PhD BSc (Hons) PhD Co-Head, Brain Tumour Research Brainchild Fellow; Co-Head, Brain Tumour Research


Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination for protection against recurrent herpes labialis: a nested randomised controlled trial

Recurrences of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the orofacial region (herpes labialis or cold sores) impact quality-of-life. We aimed to study whether the bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine can attenuate cold sore recurrences through off-target immunomodulatory effects.


Performance Accuracy of Wrist-Worn Oximetry and Its Automated Output Parameters for Screening Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) increases the risk of perioperative adverse events in children. While polysomnography remains the reference standard for OSA diagnosis, oximetry is a valuable screening tool. The traditional practice is the manual analysis of desaturation clusters derived from a tabletop device using the McGill oximetry score. However, automated analysis of wearable oximetry data can be an alternative. This study investigated the accuracy of wrist-worn oximetry with automated analysis as a preoperative OSA screening tool.