Dietary Vitamin D Increases Percentages and Function of Regulatory T Cells in the Skin-Draining Lymph Nodes and Suppresses Dermal InflammationDietary vitamin D3 increased the suppressive activity of regulatory T cells in the skin-draining lymph nodes, which are poised to suppress dermal inflammation
Consensus of stakeholders on precautionary allergen labelling: A report from the Centre for Food and Allergy ResearchPrecautionary allergen labelling is the main tool available to indicate safety levels for food-allergic consumers with regard to potential allergens
Duplex quantitative PCR assay for detection of haemophilus influenzae that distinguishes fucose-and protein d-negative strainsDeveloped a specific Haemophilus influenzae quantitative PCR (qPCR) that also identifies fucose-negative and protein D-negative strains
Entering out-of-home care during childhood: Cumulative incidence study in Canada and AustraliaComparing children entering out-of-home care in Canada and Australia
Did you ever drink more? A detailed description of pregnant women's drinking patternsWe have identified characteristics of pregnant women who either abstain, drink until pregnancy awareness or drink throughout pregnancy.
COINSTAC: A privacy enabled model and prototype for leveraging and processing decentralized brain imaging dataWe propose a platform for large scale analyses called the Collaborative Informatics and Neuroimaging Suite Toolkit for Anonymous Computatation (COINSTAC)
Development of a human papillomavirus vaccination intervention for Australian adolescentsIntervention to address young people's low levels of understanding, to promote their involvement in consent and reduce vaccination-related fear and anxiety.
Relationship between early motor milestones and severity of restricted and repetitive behaviors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorderThis study provides the first evidence for the association between restricted and repetitive behaviors and age of attainment of early motor milestones.
Population-based estimates of the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in AustraliaAustralia’s Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) is one of only a handful of national immunisation registers world-wide.
Repeat pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in Indigenous Australian adults is associated with decreased immune responsivenessThese findings highlight the critical need to evaluate the efficacy of future pneumococcal vaccine programs in the Australian Indigenous populations that recommend repeated doses of 23vPPV.