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Effect of single versus multistrain probiotic in extremely preterm infants: a randomised trial

Evidence indicates that multistrain probiotics benefit preterm infants more than single-strain (SS) probiotics. We assessed the effects of SS versus triple-strain (TS) probiotic supplementation (PS) in extremely preterm (EP) infants.


Investigating associations between birth order and autism diagnostic phenotypes

Birth order effects have been linked to variability in intelligence, educational attainment and sexual orientation. First- and later-born children have been linked to an increased likelihood of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis, with a smaller body of evidence implicating decreases in cognitive functioning with increased birth order. The present study investigated the potential association between birth order and ASD diagnostic phenotypes in a large and representative population sample.


Immunogenicity of the inactivated influenza vaccine in children who have undergone allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant

This study provides evidence to support annual inactivated influenza vaccine administration to children following allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant


Talking skin: Attitudes and practices around skin infections, treatment options, and their clinical management in a remote region in Western Australia

Documenting carer, service provider and healthcare practitioner perspectives on skin infections provides more understanding of the context of treatment decisions


Pre-emptive intervention versus treatment as usual for infants showing early behavioural risk signs of autism spectrum disorder

A pre-emptive intervention for the autism spectrum disorder prodrome had no immediate treatment effect on early autism spectrum disorder symptoms


Attitudes about and access to influenza vaccination experienced by parents of children hospitalised for influenza in Australia

Improving parents’ and providers’ knowledge and confidence in influenza vaccination safety, efficacy, and benefits should be prioritised


Outcome of Infants Younger Than 1 Year With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated With the Interfant-06 Protocol: Results From an International Phase III Randomized Study

Early intensification with postinduction myeloid-type chemotherapy courses did not significantly improve outcome for infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia


Preterm birth: Born too soon for the developing airway epithelium

This review examines the consequences of preterm birth on the airway epithelium and explores the clinical relevance of currently available models


Impact of Childhood Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine on Nonnotified Clinically Suspected Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Australia

This study provides a quantitative estimate of the total burden of invasive pneumococcal disease preventable by vaccination programs in Australia


The pervasive effects of timing of parental mental health disorders on adolescent deliberate self-harm risk

This study shows that timing is important for understanding intergenerational transmission of deliberate self-harm risk