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The Prevalence of HIV Infection in Minority Indigenous Populations of the South-East Asia and Western Pacific Regions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

A random effects meta-analysis was used to estimate the pooled prevalence of HIV infection within minority indigenous populations of the South-East Asia (SEAR) and Western Pacific Regions (WPR). Sub-group analyses were conducted, and the sources of heterogeneity explored through meta-regression. The majority of studies were undertaken in high HIV risk subpopulations.


ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2022: Exercise in children and adolescents with diabetes

Liz Davis MBBS FRACP PhD Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases Research


A Single-Centre Retrospective Review of Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunts: A 22-Year Experience

This single-centre retrospective study explores demographics and outcomes of patients who underwent a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt (MBTS) over a 22-year period. The predominant surgical approach in this study is a lateral thoracotomy, in contrast to a midline sternotomy. Risks and outcomes of this approach are compared with national and international literature.


Circulating epigenomic biomarkers correspond with kidney disease susceptibility in high-risk populations with type 2 diabetes mellitus

To investigate epigenomic indices of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) susceptibility among high-risk populations with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 


Inhaled corticosteroids to improve lung function in children (aged 6–12 years) who were born very preterm (PICSI): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Despite the substantial burden of lung disease throughout childhood in children who were born very preterm, there are no evidence-based interventions to improve lung health beyond the neonatal period. We tested the hypothesis that inhaled corticosteroid improves lung function in this population.


FeBRILe3: Safety Evaluation of Febrile Infant Guidelines Through Prospective Bayesian Monitoring

Despite evidence supporting earlier discharge of well-appearing febrile infants at low risk of serious bacterial infection (SBI), admissions for ≥48 hours remain common. Prospective safety monitoring may support broader guideline implementation.


Host Immune Response to Scabies

Scabies infection is associated with heightened total IgE immunoglobulin and IgE antibodies to scabies antigens, with both being extremely high for crusted scabies patients. The IgE antibodies cross-react with house dust mite allergens with high reactivity found to the minor allergen arginine kinase.


Taste-Masked Flucloxacillin Powder Part 2: Formulation Optimisation Using the Mixture Design Approach and Storage Stability

Flucloxacillin is prescribed to treat skin infections but its highly bitter taste is poorly tolerated in children. This work describes the application of the D-optimal mixture experimental design to identify the optimal component ratio of flucloxacillin, Eudragit EPO and palmitic acid to prepare flucloxacillin taste-masked microparticles that would be stable to storage and would inhibit flucloxacillin release in the oral cavity while facilitating the total release of the flucloxacillin load in the lower gastrointestinal tract.


West Australian parents’ views on vaccinating their children against COVID-19: a qualitative study

Australian children and adolescents were among the last local cohorts offered COVID-19 vaccines. Despite promising initial uptake, coverage subsequently plateaued, requiring further efforts to improve access and build parents’ recognition of the importance of COVID-19 vaccination.


International Trauma-Informed Practice Principles for Schools (ITIPPS): expert consensus of best-practice principles

Recognition that schools should be responsive to children who are impacted by adversity and trauma is burgeoning internationally. However, consensus regarding the necessary components of a trauma-informed school is lacking. This research developed expert-informed and internationally relevant best-practice trauma-informed principles for schools.